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[PT封神榜] [国外]Speed站点简介[更新于2010/5/18]

6270 1
发表于 2010-5-18 02:18:05 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式
本帖最后由 hdinfo 于 2010-6-14 22:39 编辑





传说最佳最牛压片组axxo在这个站固定发片(axxo参见: http://baike.baidu.com/view/2136731.htm?fr=ala0_1



How do I use the files I've downloaded?

Check out
this guide.

What is DHT and Why must i turn it off?

DHT must be disabled in your client, DHT can cause your stats to be recorded incorrectly and could be seen as cheating also disable PEX (peer exchange) Anyone using this will be banned for cheating the system.

Downloaded a movie and don't know what CAM/TS/TC/SCR means?

Check out
this guide.

Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear?

There may be three reasons for this:
(1) The torrent may have been out-of-sync with the site
(2) The uploader may have deleted it because it was a bad release. A replacement will probably be uploaded to take its place.
(3) Torrents are automatically deleted after 3 days of inactivity.

What is a free leech torrent?

A free leech torrent is a torrent where only the data you upload is counted towards your ratio. A free leech torrent isn't made to be a torrent that can be hit and run but it is there to help you with your ratio. It's a gift from the uploader and Speed.cd.

How do I resume a broken download or reseed something?

Open the .torrent file. When your client asks you for a location, choose the location of the existing file(s) and it will resume/reseed the torrent.

Why do my downloads sometimes stall at 99%?

The more pieces you have, the harder it becomes to find peers who have pieces you are missing. That is why downloads sometimes slow down or even stall when there are just a few percent remaining. Just be patient and you will, sooner or later, get the remaining pieces.

What are these "a piece has failed an hash check" messages?

Bittorrent clients check the data they receive for integrity. When a piece fails this check it is automatically re-downloaded. Occasional hash fails are a common occurrence, and you shouldn't worry.

Some clients have an (advanced) option/preference to 'kick/ban clients that send you bad data' or similar. It should be turned on, since it makes sure that if a peer repeatedly sends you pieces that fail the hash check it will be ignored in the future.

The torrent is supposed to be 100MB. How come I downloaded 120MB?

See the hash fails topic. If your client receives bad data it will have to redownload it, therefore the total downloaded may be larger than the torrent size. Make sure the "kick/ban" option is turned on to minimize the extra downloads.

Why do I get a "rejected by tracker - Port [已屏蔽]x is blacklisted" error?

Your client is reporting to the tracker that it uses one of the default Bittorrent ports (6881-6889) or any other common p2p port for incoming connections.

Speed.cd : Push Your Gas More Than Limits! does not allow clients to use ports commonly associated with p2p protocols. The reason for this is that it is a common practice for ISPs to throttle those ports (that is, limit the bandwidth, hence the speed).

The blocked ports list include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

Direct Connect

411 - 413






6346 - 6347


6881 - 6889

In order to use our tracker you must configure your client to use any port range that does not contain those ports (a range within the region 49152 through 65535 is preferable, cf.
IANA). Notice that some clients, like Azureus or Utorrent, use a single port for all torrents, while most others use one port per open torrent. The size of the range you choose should take this into account (typically less than 10 ports wide. There is no benefit whatsoever in choosing a wide range, and there are possible security implications).

These ports are used for connections between peers, not client to tracker. Therefore this change will not interfere with your ability to use other trackers (in fact it should
your speed with torrents from any tracker, not just ours). Your client will also still be able to connect to peers that are using the standard ports. If your client does not allow custom ports to be used, you will have to switch to one that does.

Do not ask us, or in the forums, which ports you should choose. The more random the choice is the harder it will be for ISPs to catch on to us and start limiting speeds on the ports we use. If we simply define another range ISPs will start throttling that range also.

Finally, remember to forward the chosen ports in your router and/or open them in your firewall, should you have them.

What's this "IOError - [Errno13] Permission denied" error?

If you just want to fix it reboot your computer, it should solve the problem. Otherwise read on.

IOError means Input-Output Error, and that is a file system error, not a tracker one. It shows up when your client is for some reason unable to open the partially downloaded torrent files. The most common cause is two instances of the client to be running simultaneously: the last time the client was closed it somehow didn't really close but kept running in the background, and is therefore still locking the files, making it impossible for the new instance to open them.

A more uncommon occurrence is a corrupted FAT. A crash may result in corruption that makes the partially downloaded files unreadable, and the error ensues. Running scandisk should solve the problem. (Note that this may happen only if you're running Windows 9x - which only support FAT - or NT/2000/XP with FAT formatted hard drives. NTFS is much more robust and should never permit this problem.)

What's this "TTL" in the browse page?

The torrent's Time To Live, in hours. It means the torrent will be deleted from the tracker after that many hours have elapsed (yes, even if it is still active). Note that this a maximum value, the torrent may be deleted at any time if it's inactive.

I received a warning for Hit 'n Run. What is this?

We expect from every user (power user or not) to help
added torrents to reach a good seeding/leeching ratio quickly in order to help the torrent during the first hours of its "life".

All torrents must be seeded to a minimum 0.6 ratio,we understand this isn't always possible so a ratio of 0.4 is acceptable in this case, or torrent must be left open seeding for minimum of 60 hours. If its a popular torrent with plenty of leechers then there is no reason why it cant be fully seeded to a 1.1 ratio. If you close your client before you reach a torrent ratio of 0.4 or if you haven't reached it (in case of slow upload connections) and close your client before seeding it for the first 24 hours, you will result in getting a automated warning by the System. As soon as you get the warning, you will have the chance to remove it, by correcting your mistake and seeding the torrent to a minimum of 0.4. If you do this in the next 60 hours,
your warning will be removed completely.

In case you receive 5 warnings without reseeding your torrents to remove them, your account is automatically banned by the system.


Why can't I upload torrents?

To be able to upload your own torrents you need to apply to be an uploader. Below are the requirements needed to be on the Speed.cd Uploader team:

  • Have an upload speed of 100KB/s or higher
  • Be a member of the Power User or VIP class
  • Able to seed your uploaded torrents until you have 5 seeders or more
  • Able to seed your torrents for more than 24-48 hours

If one of those is not possible then you will not be added to the uploader team. We have requirements so our users have an enjoyable time here without having extremely slow torrents that take a long time to download.

What rules must I follow to remain part of the Uploader team?

You must be able to provide releases that:
• All uploads must include a detailed description.
• No nasty files!
• All files must be in a legitimate format so they are functional.
• Pre-release stuff should be labeled with an *ALPHA* or *BETA* tag.
• Make sure not to include any serial numbers, CD keys or similar in the description (you do
need to edit the NFO!).
• Make sure your torrents are well-seeded for at least 24 hours.
Also, you should have at least 100KB/s upload bandwidth.
• Do not include the release date in the torrent name.

If you have something interesting that somehow violate these rules, ask a member of the staff and we might make an exception.



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sfqk2000Lv.4 发表于 2010-5-18 12:46:46 | 显示全部楼层

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