xzw5 发表于 2023-4-24 01:41:26

【HDArea】遭到大规模攻击 请会员更新密钥

HDArea 高清视界

2023.04.23 - 强烈建议所有会员更新自己的tracker密钥~We strongly recommend that all members update their tracker passkey




Recently, our website experienced a large-scale CC attack, which was all performed by simulating normal BT client software attacks on tracker servers. The passkey in the attack was all correct and corresponded to different members of our website. Therefore, we strongly recommend that all members update their passkey as soon as possible.

Especially for members who use boxes to browse streams, many of them use the default account password in their clients, making it extremely easy for others to steal their passkey!!!

The instruction on how to update your key is as follows:

Control Panel - Security Settings - Select "I want to reset my passkey" - Save settings - Input your current password in the Security Verification field - Saved settings.
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